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CS Insights
Let me tell you what I really think about Customer Success.
Come along as I share my thoughts and advice on all things Customer Success and Leadership. Browse through webinars, podcasts, articles and more to get my perspective on CS and beyond.

Jun 17, 20233 min read
Anatomy of a Good Follow-Up Email
As a CSP you are probably meeting with your customers on a regular cadence, maybe weekly during onboarding and then bi-weekly or monthly...

Jun 17, 20234 min read
Have You Been Ghosted? 5 Tips to Help You Engage Dark Customers
It's been two weeks and 4 emails since you've heard from your customer, looks like you've been ghosted? Now yes, it's possible they are...

Jun 17, 20233 min read
Setting Your Week Up for Success as a Customer Success Manager
As a Customer Success Professional there is never a shortage of things to do; in fact there is usually more to do than time permits. So...

Jun 17, 20232 min read
Agenda vs. Objective: Why Your Customer Meeting Needs Both
You'll hear most people make the recommendation that every meeting, especially customer meetings, should have a clear meeting agenda, and...

Jun 17, 20233 min read
Onboarding Ownership: Dedicated Team vs. Customer Success Management
Most Customer Success professionals would agree that Customer Onboarding and Implementation is one of, if not the, most critical stage in...

Jun 17, 20232 min read
Early Arrival: 4 Reasons to Introduce Customer Success in the Sales Cycle
As a former Customer Success Professional, there were several times where I wished I was invited to participate in the sales process to...

Jun 17, 20234 min read
Forget the Onboarding Kickoff, it's all about the Partnership Kickoff
For years Customer Success teams moved customer right from the sales cycle right into Onboarding without using this transition to align...

Jun 17, 20233 min read
Sales to Customer Success Knowledge Transfer: The Most Critical Internal Discussion
The sales to Customer Success handoff is a critical step in the Customer Journey. If the Customer Success team cannot be involved in the...
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